Technological Solutions

Digitalization in the pulp and paper industry

At Ecoeffy, we help the pulp and paper industry with our commitment to sustainable efficiency of resources and people. Our goal is to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and increase labor productivity. We focus on cost reduction through circular economy, energy efficiency and predictive maintenance. In addition, we offer process monitoring and optimization, asset management and manufacturing process automation.

Automate all company operations

Improve efficiency and productivity in pulp and paper manufacturing and processing. This could include quality control systems, process automation, inventory management and supply chain optimization.

Main Applications

Pulp and paper technology


The control and data collection of production processes allows the optimization of production and its preparation, creating simulation scenarios.

pile of books


The following are reduced: raw material waste, energy consumption Mwh/ton of paper or pulp, labor risks and production. At the same time, self-generation of energy and water treatment are increased.

Sustainability in the pulp and paper industry

At EcoEffy we help the pulp and paper industry with our commitment to sustainable efficiency of resources and people, with the goal of significantly reducing CO2 emissions and labor productivity. We are committed to cost reduction through circular economy, energy efficiency and predictive maintenance.

The paper industry is currently showing positive growth rates, and is assuming a leading role in the closed-loop economy in which we find ourselves, thanks to its optimal use of resources, the self-sufficient energy cycle in which it operates, and digitization tools.

Benefits for the Pulp and Paper industry

Productivity, efficiency in the use of resources and profitability of business assets.

Monitoring and Optimization

Monitor and optimize yields, control energy use and emissions, ensuring quality compliance and operational efficiency.

Asset management

Discover the complete operations technology with Enterprise Asset Management.

Supply chain

Streamline your partners’ relationships with Supply Chain Management and Workflow Management .

Reduction of energy consumption

Monitoring the dynamic and thermal variables of the production processes allows continuous improvement of the energy intensity indicators kwh/kg.

Process automation

Streamline innovation and production process management.

Wastewater treatment

The industry is very intensive in the use of water, so we work on its treatment and reuse of wastewater in a wastewater treatment plant.

Optimization of pulp and paper manufacturing process

Despite the widespread opinion that in the age of digitalization paper will become obsolete, paper in all its forms and varieties remains a fundamental element of daily life.

The Backbone of seamless operations

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Increase team efficiency with WorkFlowPro

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Accessible through all devices

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Main Applications

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Seamless Integration

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Easy to use

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Cross Compatibility

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One Click Setup

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