Air quality system automation

Ecoeffy takes your environmental goals to the next level!

Our commitment is to put all our experience and technology at your disposal to develop innovative air quality management solutions. For this purpose, we create systems that manage air conditioners, air exchange systems and refrigeration systems.

An air quality measurement system is responsible for measuring the amount of pollutants present in the air.

When air quality is good (low in pollutants), people can breathe this air indefinitely without affecting their health. When it is bad, some health complications may occur, such as: eye irritations, respiratory and even cardiac problems. To keep air quality levels within acceptable ranges, government authorities can take measures such as prohibiting the circulation of vehicles that emit pollution, or the operation of certain industries with certain emissions characteristics.

Factors affecting air quality

Governments now have more controls and better regulations. As a result, profits have increased. In addition to fuel quality improvements. However, emissions of pollutants caused by vehicular traffic have increased exponentially, becoming the main pollutant source in cities.

Global Warming

Globally, it has been found that carbon dioxide emissions (or CO2 emissions) from the combustion of oil, coal and natural gas are playing a major role in the increase in global temperature. This is due to the greenhouse effect that these emissions cause on the planet. However, it is important to clarify that these CO2 emissions are not the main causes of poor air quality that directly affect health.

The main emissions that affect health are:

  • sulfur oxides,
  • nitrogen oxides,
  • tropospheric ozone (at low altitude, different from stratospheric ozone, which is very beneficial),
  • carbon monoxide,
  • volatile organic compounds and
  • particles in suspension.

The main anthropic (man-made) sources of air pollution are:

  • Factories or industrial facilities without adequate filters for air emissions.
  • Thermoelectric power plants.
  • Vehicles with internal combustion engines.
  • Oil, natural gas, coal or biomass heating systems.

In particular, we can say that air quality is affected by several natural causes, such as:

  • Volcanic eruptions.
  • [Viento] with transport of suspended particles.

Industrial installations

For each pollutant, the maximum amount that can be discharged in air emissions is regulated. The maximum values are generally set by the national environmental authority. The regulations may be valid for the entire national territory, or specific for some regions in particular, due to their own characteristics. Emissions-producing companies are responsible for complying with the prescribed regulations. It is the responsibility of the companies to obtain the respective operating permits.

Individual control over each of the emission producers, and enforcement of existing regulations, is extremely important. However, it is not enough. Indeed, if in a given area there are numerous industries discharging air emissions, even if individual emission limits are respected, air quality may be affected.

It is necessary to establish by law parameters that determine the maximum admissible degree of contamination. These parameters are of two types:

  • Limit values: indicate, for each substance, the maximum acceptable amount;
  • Guideline value: indicate, for each substance, the maximum desirable amount;

National environmental regulations establish who is responsible for monitoring air quality and the various parameters.

Industrial plants that produce particularly hazardous air emissions may even be restricted in relation to their location.

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