IT Consulting Services

Smart metering

Improve productivity and reduce your environmental impact


Measurement, an essential tool for business improvement.

In the digital age in which we live, smart metering has become an essential tool for improving productivity and reducing environmental impact. More and more companies and organizations are adopting this technology to optimize their processes and make informed decisions based on accurate data. In the following, we will explore the benefits and applications of smart metering, as well as its relevance in today’s context.


What is smart metering and control?

Smart meters, also known as smart metering, is a control system that allows to collect and analyze data in real time, on the measurement of the main variables of a business, both organizational and environmental performance, variables such as: portfolio, profitability of assets, consumption of energy, water or other resources. These devices and systems are connected through communication networks and provide detailed and accurate information on consumption, which is essential for making informed and efficient decisions.


Smart metering applications

Smart metering has various applications in different sectors. Some examples include:

Energy sector

Smart metering is used to monitor and manage electricity consumption. It enables utilities to collect accurate data on their customers' energy consumption and offer customized solutions to reduce unnecessary consumption. It also facilitates the integration of renewable energy sources, measuring asset utilization and real-time demand management.

Water and gas industry

In the water and gas industry, smart metering is used to measure and control water consumption in real time. This allows water and gas utilities to identify leaks, detect pressure problems and optimize water distribution according to demand. It also helps users understand their consumption and take steps to reduce it.

3. Intelligent buildings

In the field of intelligent buildings, smart metering plays a key role in the efficient management of resources. It facilitates the identification of areas for improvement and the implementation of efficiency measures. It also contributes to the well-being of occupants by providing information on traffic, energy use and indoor air quality.

4. Transportation and logistics

In the transport and logistics sector, smart metering is used to optimize efficiency and reduce environmental impact. It allows monitoring fuel consumption, pollutant gas emissions and vehicle performance. This helps companies make informed decisions about routing, fleet maintenance and choosing the most efficient vehicles.

5. Financial

In the financial sector, smart metering is used to measure and control portfolio risk and customer profiling. This allows finance companies to identify risks and risks for clients, detect collection problems and optimize portfolio management and placement activities. It also helps users understand their income and expense balance and take steps to manage it.

6. Health

In the field of smart buildings, smart metering plays a key role in good patient experience. It allows the monitoring of service time, availability and physician occupancy, which facilitates the identification of areas for improvement and the implementation of efficiency measures to improve patient satisfaction.

Benefits of smart metering

With the integration of real-time business information, together with a strategic vision, it allows concentrating the focus of the organization’s efforts on issues relevant to the sustainability of the business and the environment.


Financial Health

Going beyond operational aspects, smart metering allows companies to understand their economic performance, foresee the causes of variation and detect opportunities. This gives them the opportunity to identify patterns of demand and productivity, identify areas for improvement and take action to achieve goals. By having a global vision, opportunities are identified with greater clarity and greater impact.

Customer and Employee Satisfaction

Better understanding of the customer

Smart measurement also applies to customer and employee satisfaction levels. By knowing the satisfaction performance and perception of experiences, it is possible to detect process failures, negative perceptions and take corrective actions in a timely manner. This not only helps to reduce costs, but also contributes to the preservation of the brand and company image, an increasingly important resource.


Informed decision making

Accurate and up-to-date data on resource consumption provides organizations with the ability to make informed decisions. Intelligent metering makes it possible to evaluate the performance of equipment and systems, identify areas for improvement and optimize operational efficiency. This translates into more strategic decision making and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.


Reduction of environmental impact

One of the highlights of smart metering is its contribution to reducing environmental impact. By enabling more efficient use of resources, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, minimizes waste and promotes sustainability. This is especially relevant in a context where environmental protection is a global priority.


Frequently Asked Questions

Know every time of smart metering. It ensures that savings, performance, productivity and timeliness targets are met.

Smart metering is a system that collects and analyzes real-time data on the consumption of resources such as energy and water. It works through connected devices that record and transmit detailed information on consumption, enabling informed decisions and improved efficiency.

Smart metering offers several benefits, such as energy and water savings, efficient resource management, informed decision making, and reduced environmental impact. It also helps to identify areas for improvement, optimize processes and reduce costs.

Smart metering is applied in different sectors, such as energy, industrial, smart buildings and transportation. In the energy sector, it is used to control electricity consumption. In industry, consumption of water and other resources is monitored. In smart buildings, the efficient use of energy and water is managed. And in transportation, fuel consumption is optimized and vehicle performance is monitored.

Smart metering provides real-time data on energy consumption, allowing you to identify usage patterns and areas of inefficiency. With this information, measures can be implemented to reduce unnecessary consumption, optimize efficiency and, consequently, reduce energy costs.

Smart metering data enables informed decisions, such as identifying inefficient equipment or systems, detecting leaks, scheduling preventive maintenance, adjusting resource use based on demand, and assessing overall performance. These measures help to improve efficiency, reduce costs and minimize environmental impact.

Take action now!

Do you want to make data-driven decisions and reduce your environmental impact?

Find out how smart metering can make it happen,

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